I started visiting Fertility Specialist Dr. Erb April 2022 and six months later am about to start my first IVF cycle! In these 6 months I had month apart appointments, tests and insurance being submitted, denied, resubmitted and approved. If you think your IVF journey will be a quick process, I would like to bring you a peace of mind by saying Gods timing is perfect and please give yourself some grace to endure bumps in the road as there are SO MANY variables going into this IVF process. Focusing on your mental health and preparing your physical body 3 months before egg retrieval is SO important.
My official STIMS Day 1 start date is September 22, 2022! I am feeling excited, nervous, overwhelmed, anxious, scared, happy… a million emotions are flooding over as I await all of my medications to be shipped to the house, which leads me to discuss…
TIP 1: Stay diligent with ordering your medications for STIMs
I chose to use CVS specialty, ladies, key tip: stay on top of them & remain diligent in requesting your meds to be delivered on time before your STIMs cycle! I had to call and inquire about my shipment around 10 separate times a month before starting my STIMs cycle… As if there aren’t a million other emotions to deal with before your start date, wondering if I was even starting due to not knowing if my medications were going to arrive on time was added to that worry list! If I hadn’t been on top of CVS specialty I definitely would have had to delayed the IVF Cycle back another month due to late shipment (the first delayed moment was due to insurance issues). I cannot express enough, make sure you stay on top of your medication shipment, call, call, and call some more until all their questions are answered by your fertility clinic. Conclusion, even with ample time given, my shipment arrived on my doorstep the DAY BEFORE my STIMS start date…. talk about just in time!
TIP 2: Don’t stress about organizing your meds until you speak with your Dr. I only used 2/6 medications to start!
September 22, 2022 the day has come! It’s time to visit my Dr’s office and start day 1 of my STIMs cycle! Ladies, don’t forget to bring your IVF packet and sheets to sign at the office. Today you will be going over what medications you’re starting out with and which shots you can go home and organize. I ordered a pink organizing box to place all my medications, alcohol wipes & bandaids + stress ball… My husband thankfully is administering my shots so all I have to do is grip the stress ball and breathe. Well, that is, for now until he goes out of town for work. I will eventually watch as the needle fully goes into my tummy, but on day one I gave myself some grace to look away and try not to flinch.. the sight of needles make my knees weak.
Out of the 6 medications delivered, I am starting out with two shots in my tummy. Gonal F and Menopur. I would recommend starting with Gonal, you can barely feel the needle or medication when it is disbursed into your system. The Menopur feels a bit uncomfortable going in which is why I recommend taking that shot 2nd. I had to lay down after and gently rub the spot- I could feel it in my system throbbing for a good 5-10 minutes post shot.
Tip 3: relieve stress when administering shots by:
ICING the area
PINCH the skin in the area you want to use and hold while you administer the shot
BREATHE as the medication is going in, the Menopur stings a bit but is certainly manageable. You’ve got this girly!
Day 1 is over, I feel good, I feel hopeful and it turns out my anxiety was the worst part of the day! Silencing that inner worry/ voice is I think the key factor to this journey (for myself personally) I am so grateful for my handsome, patient husband helping me with these shots, he even wore his scrubs for the occasion! I am also grateful for my Golden Ollie boy who is in every picture with a big smile on his face… I got this, we got this! Let’s do this ladies!
Ending on this positive note that I started my day with!
If you don’t go after what you want, you will never have it.
If you do not ask, the answer will always be no.
If you do not step forward, you will always be in the same place.
“But you, take courage! Do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded.” — 2 Chronicles 15:7
We truly hope this article gives you a sense of hope or healing. Click here to join our private facebook group "IVF WARRIORS" for additional support: Stay connected: @moderndayholistic on IG, Pinterest, Tik-Tok, Youtube, Linkedin & Etsy!