The day has come, egg transfer at 2:30 pm— I am so excited and nervous to transfer our perfect 5AB embryo baby boy! I am able to bring my +1 for the procedure which is obviously my amazing husband. Keep in mind ladies, for this transfer they have you drink 24oz of water 1 hour before to be able to see your uterus better and they emphasize not wearing perfume or lotions (just like on egg retrieval day) because the toxins in these product can hurt or kill the embryo. We will dive into this more on another blog post.
I am not partaking in the Mcdonald’s french fry myth for successful transfers and this is WHY…
Ladies, please do not follow this myth— the McDonalds french fries are covered in a heavy oil blend. The blend includes canola oil, corn oil, soybean oil, hydrogenated soybean oil, and natural beef flavors. PUKE. Seed oils are highly processed oils extracted from seeds such as soybeans, corn, rapeseed, cottonseed, sunflower and safflower seeds. After the seeds are harvested, they are heated to extremely high temperatures that oxidize the fatty acids creating byproducts that are harmful to our health. High amounts of omega-6 fatty acids are found in these oils which become inflammatory compounds when used to cook and in our bodies, playing a significant role in chronic inflammatory diseases and a large variety of other skin, gut and weight issues.
Why it is encouraged to eat this crap after this highly expensive and mentally exhausting procedure when your body needs all the nutrients it can get to efficiently perform and produce this miracle is beyond me. Is it convenient? Yes. Is it cheap? Yes. Is it healthy? Hell to the no.
Instead try, red potatoes with dinner

I cut up some red potatoes and used a healthy extra virgin olive oil to coat and toss them with pure sea salt, pepper and rosemary to taste. Air-fried these nutrient dense potatoes for 20 min on 350 degrees. This healthy option for you and potential baby boy or girl is exponentially better than those processed inflammatory McDonalds french friends.
5 Benefits of red potatoes
Red potatoes are loaded with fiber, B vitamins, iron and potassium. Half of the fiber of a potato comes from the skin. On red potatoes in particular, the skin is already super thin, so it doesn't detract from the taste or texture
Healthy Blood Pressure
Naturally sodium free and high in potassium, red potatoes are a major contributor of maintaining a healthy blood pressure. In order to keep cells, nerves and body fluids in your body healthy, potassium is essential, and sodium is dangerous. Red potatoes have more potassium per serving that ANY OTHER fruit of vegetable.
Did you know: A banana has 9% of your daily needs in terms of potassium. A red potato has almost 20%. -
Naturally Gluten Free
Weather you have gluten intolerance, or are on a gluten free diet, potatoes should still be an essential part of your daily diet. A common misconception is that gluten and carbohydrates are basically the same thing. They are not. White vegetables are not the same as white flour. Carbohydrates consist of sugar, while gluten is a group of proteins. -
Naturally Fat Free
That’s it. The bad stuff associated with potatoes comes from the different ways of preparing or topping regular potatoes. With red potatoes, there’s a naturally buttery flavor and moist texture. Boil, roast or bake a red potato, include some fresh herbs and seasonings, add fresh veggies, and it’s still delicious and fat free. -
Lower Stress Levels
Red potatoes have at least 10% of the recommended daily value of Vitamin B6. This vitamin is crucial for cellular renewal, a healthy nervous system and a balanced mood. The addition of this vitamin along with the other health benefits of red potatoes will help with everyday stress and also lower cholesterol and help prevent heart disease. In order to get the maximum about of B6 out of your potatoes, is roast or bake red potatoes. -
Increased Energy
Baked, mashed, or boiled, red potatoes actually provide more energy-delivering complex carbohydrates than a cup of pasta. Rich in complex carbohydrates and other vitamins, potatoes are a fantastic fuel for our bodies. Unadulterated and unprocessed, they are probably the best and most delicious source of starchy energy possible in our diets. In a world where many carbohydrates are so processed that they are devoid of essential nutrients, the red potato stands head and shoulders above the rest, naturally.
Now to each their own, but this is coming from someone who changed to a low-toxic lifestyle, began eating nutrient dense meals with her prenatal and had a successful transfer! I pray that your baby sticks while you honor your bodies capability of nurturing that embryo.
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”
Best of luck ladies, prepare that womb!
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